How to Write a Real Estate Blog: The Ultimate Guide

by Outranking
Updated On: October 29, 2023
How to Write a Real Estate Blog: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re passionate about property, a real estate blog could be your path to engaging with potential clients and establishing yourself as a trusted authority in the field. Being an authority within the real estate blog niche allows you to share your expertise, answer common queries, and even spotlight exquisite properties. Not to forget, you will be augmenting your reputation in the real estate website world. 

Intrigued to venture forth? Let’s set the wheels in motion.

Proof Real Estate Blogging Works

To provide more concrete evidence of the benefits of real estate blogging, let’s look at some statistics and data from reputable sources:

  • Increased Website Traffic: According to a study by HubSpot, businesses with blogs tend to receive 55% more website visitors than those without blogs.
  • Lead Generation: In any business including the real estate industry, blogging can significantly boost lead generation. Businesses that utilized the power of blogging received 67% more leads than those that didn’t. 
  • Establishing Authority: Blogging can help you establish authority in the field. According to a study, 81% of consumers trust advice and information from blogs
  • Reputation Enhancement: Maintaining a quality real estate blog can enhance your reputation. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that 70% of homebuyers would prefer to work with a real estate agent who has an active online presence

These statistics demonstrate that real estate blogging can indeed lead to increased website traffic, more leads, and an improved reputation within the industry. So, if you’re considering venturing into the world of real estate blogging, you can rest assured that it has the potential to be a valuable asset to your real estate business.

Laying the Right Foundation for Your Blog

Choosing the right topic for a real estate blog post

Selecting the proper topic is crucial for your real estate blog to thrive. This is where the importance of finding your real estate blog niche comes in. Your subject matter should not only reflect your expertise in this niche but also address the issues that matter to your audience in this particular field. Ask yourself, “What problems can I solve in my blog niche?” Be it first-time buyer queries, mortgage advice, or market trend analysis – these could all be good starting points, especially if you’re focusing on a real estate investing blog, a popular niche within the industry. Remember, the key is to educate our clients and stakeholders, promoting increased brand awareness and leadership in your niche market. Always listen to your audience and deliver value in each post.

Tried-And-Tested Real Estate Blog Ideas

To underscore the importance of choosing the right topic, let’s look at some statistics and data on popular real estate blog post ideas and topics that have proven to be relevant and appealing to the audience:

First-Time Buyer Queries

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), approximately 33% of homebuyers in 2020 were first-time buyers. This indicates a substantial audience interested in topics related to their unique concerns and needs.

This statistic indicates a significant portion of the homebuyer population who are embarking on the homeownership journey for the first time. First-time buyers often have unique concerns and needs, such as understanding the home buying process, securing financing, and navigating the complexities of real estate transactions. 

As a real estate blogger, focusing on topics related to first-time buyer queries can be highly relevant and beneficial. Providing valuable content tailored to this audience can help you address their specific concerns and establish yourself as a trusted resource for those entering the real estate market. 

Mortgage Advice

In a survey, 27% of mortgage holders don’t know their current interest rate. This statistic underscores the need for education and guidance in the realm of mortgage financing. Additionally, respondents in the survey expressed concerns about mortgage rates and financing when buying a home. 

Given the significance of mortgage-related decisions in the home-buying process, providing expert mortgage advice can be a valuable service to your audience. Helping individuals understand mortgage options, rates, and how to make informed decisions can attract and engage this audience segment, which often seeks clarity and guidance in this complex aspect of real estate. 

Market Trend Analysis

Market trend analysis is a hot topic in the real estate industry. According to NAR, 47% of homebuyers in 2020 sought information on real estate market trends. 

This statistic highlights the strong interest among prospective buyers in staying informed about the dynamics of the real estate market. Real estate market trends can significantly impact decisions related to buying or selling a property. As a blogger, offering insights and analysis on market trends can capture the attention of this audience segment and provide them with valuable information to make informed real estate decisions. 

Covering topics such as housing market forecasts, local market conditions, and emerging trends can help you engage with readers who are keen on staying updated on the real estate landscape.

Real Estate Investing

Given current rate conditions, it’s no wonder that year-over-year existing home sales sagged for the third consecutive month, slipping by 0.7%, with all four major U.S. regions posting declines, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Nonetheless, the housing market remains competitive for prospective buyers. 

With many homeowners “locked in” at low-interest rates and unwilling to sell, demand continues to exceed for-sale inventory. This data gives a hint at the growing interest in real estate investing. It is high time to start a real estate investment blog. 

By incorporating such statistics into your blog post, you can demonstrate to your readers that the topics you’re suggesting are not only relevant but also based on real-world data. This can help build trust and engagement with your audience, ultimately promoting increased brand awareness and leadership in your chosen real estate blog niche. Always keep your ear to the ground and listen to your audience’s needs to consistently deliver value in each blog post.

Step-by-Step Guide on Starting A Real Estate Blog

Here’s a step-by-step guide on creating a real estate blog from absolute scratch:

1. Define Your Blog’s Goals

Before diving into keyword research, it’s crucial to define the goals of your real estate blog. What are you aiming to achieve? Common goals may include increasing organic traffic, generating leads, or establishing authority in a specific niche within the real estate market.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Understand your target audience. Consider the demographics, interests, and pain points of potential readers. This information will help you tailor your keyword research to topics and queries that resonate with your audience.

3. Brainstorm Broad Topics

Begin by brainstorming broad topics related to real estate that you want to cover on your blog. These could include “home buying tips,” “mortgage advice,” “local real estate market trends,” and so on.

4. Use Keyword Research Tools

Utilize keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or even Google’s Autocomplete feature to find relevant keywords. Here’s how:

  1. Enter your broad topics into the keyword research tool.
  2. Review the suggested keywords. Look for a balance between search volume (how often people search for the term) and competition (how many other websites are targeting the same keyword).
  3. Identify long-tail keywords (phrases with three or more words) as they often have less competition and can be highly targeted.
Screenshot of Semrush's keyword research tool
Keyword research tools like Semrush can help you identify unique real-estate keywords

5. Analyze Keyword Metrics

Pay attention to important keyword metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty (competition), and trend data. This information will help you prioritize which keywords to target.

6. Competitor Research

Analyze your competitors’ blogs. Identify which keywords they are ranking for and producing content around. This can give you insights into topics that resonate with your audience and help you discover untapped keyword opportunities.

7 Create a Keyword Strategy

Develop a keyword strategy that includes:

  • Primary Keywords: Choose a primary keyword for each blog post. This should be a high-priority keyword that aligns with your blog’s goals.
  • Secondary Keywords: Identify related keywords and phrases to include naturally within your content. These provide context and depth to your posts.

Step 8: Create High-Quality Content

Create informative and engaging content that addresses the intent behind the chosen keywords. Ensure your content is well-structured, includes relevant information, and offers value to your readers.

9. Optimize On-Page SEO

Optimize your blog posts for on-page SEO by including keywords in the title, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the content. Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

10. Monitor and Adapt

Continuously monitor the performance of your blog posts using tools like Google Analytics. Track changes in organic traffic, keyword rankings, and user engagement. Based on this data, adapt your keyword strategy and content as needed to improve results.

11. Promote Your Content

Share your blog posts on social media, email newsletters, and relevant online communities to increase visibility and drive more traffic to your real estate blog.

12. Rinse and Repeat

Keyword research and optimization are ongoing processes. Regularly revisit and update your content to stay relevant and maintain or improve your search engine rankings.

By following these steps and strategies, you can effectively use keyword research to benefit your real estate blog by attracting a larger, more engaged audience, and ultimately achieving your blogging goals.

Tips on Performing Keyword Research

To perform keyword research, consider your client’s needs and what phrases they might use to search for their questions. Keyword Finder, Wordstream, Google Keyword Planner, and Google Analytics are excellent tools to find these keywords. Pay attention not only to popular general terms but also to “long-tail keywords” – more precise phrases typically composed of three words or more. Coupled with detailed analytics, these can effectively capture highly-intentioned traffic, leading to better engagement on your real estate blog. Reports from Google Analytics even show a massive year-over-year increase in the number of blog sessions, further highlighting their value.

Head Keywords vs. Long-Tail Keywords:

When conducting keyword research for your real estate blog, it’s important to understand the difference between head keywords and long-tail keywords:

  • Head Keywords: These are short, generic terms that are often one or two words long. They typically have high search volumes and competition. For example, “real estate” or “mortgage.”
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and typically consist of three or more words. They are often used by searchers who have a clear and specific intent. For example, “Tips for first-time homebuyers in Cityville” or “Best Neighborhoods for families in Cityville.”

How They Differ:

  • Head keywords are broader and more competitive, making it challenging to rank for them. They attract a wide audience but may not always convert as well.
  • Long-tail keywords are more precise and specific. While they may have lower search volumes, they often indicate a higher level of intent and can lead to better engagement and conversions. They are also less competitive, making it easier to rank for them.

Why Both Matters: Including a mix of both head and long-tail keywords in your content strategy is essential. Head keywords can help you reach a broader audience, while long-tail keywords allow you to target specific, highly-intentioned traffic. This comprehensive approach can improve your blog’s visibility and engagement.

Benefits of Conducting Keyword Research for Your Real Estate Blog

  1. Increased Visibility in Search Engine Results: Targeted keyword research allows your blog to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When your content aligns with what users are searching for, you’re more likely to appear at the top of search results, increasing your blog’s visibility.
  2. Better Targeting of Specific Audience Segments: Keyword research helps you identify the specific phrases and questions your target audience uses when searching for real estate information. This allows you to tailor your content to their needs and interests, attracting and engaging the right readers.
  3. Potential for Higher Website Traffic: By optimizing your content around relevant keywords, you can attract organic traffic from search engines. High-quality, keyword-rich content can lead to an increase in website traffic, allowing you to reach a wider audience.
  4. Improved User Engagement: When your blog addresses the specific queries and concerns of your audience, visitors are more likely to engage with your content. They may spend more time on your site, read multiple blog posts, and even subscribe to your newsletter or follow your social media channels.
  5. Enhanced Authority and Credibility: Consistently producing valuable content around well-researched keywords establishes your blog as an authoritative source in the real estate niche. This can boost your credibility and reputation in the industry.
  6. Higher Conversion Rates: Well-targeted keywords can attract visitors who are further along in the buyer’s journey, leading to higher conversion rates. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, contacting you for real estate services, or clicking on affiliate links, effective keyword research can drive conversions.
  7. Cost-Efficient Marketing: Using keyword research to guide your content strategy is a cost-effective way to generate organic traffic. Unlike paid advertising, which can be expensive, organic traffic from well-optimized content can be a sustainable source of leads and clients.
  8. Competitive Advantage: Understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting and where they rank can provide a competitive advantage. You can identify gaps in their content strategy and capitalize on opportunities they may have missed.
  9. Adaptation to Changing Trends: Keyword research helps you stay up-to-date with changing trends in the real estate market. You can identify emerging topics and adjust your content strategy accordingly, keeping your blog relevant.
  10. Data-Driven Decision Making: Keyword research provides valuable data and insights into what topics and keywords are resonating with your audience. This data can inform future content creation and marketing strategies.

Incorporating keyword research into your real estate blog strategy can yield numerous benefits, from improving your search engine visibility to attracting and engaging a more relevant audience. It’s a fundamental practice for successful online content creation in the competitive real estate industry.

Writing Your First Real Estate Blog Post

Organizing your content effectively

Effective content organization is fundamental to a solid real estate blog post. The initial step? Before pounding on the keyboard, create a clean, logical outline. Masterfully crafted paragraphs are a must.

Utilize Subheadings

To break down your content and improve readability, utilize subheadings. Subheadings act as signposts, guiding readers through your content and allowing them to quickly find the information that matters most to them.

An organized post with well-structured paragraphs and subheadings makes it easier for readers to scan and grasp your message.

Engaging Post Structure

For an engaging post on “Moving to [City],” consider listing surprising yet unique aspects of the city. Structuring these paragraphs for a smooth flow is key, and rearranging them until they weave into a natural narrative is vital.

Group Similar Ideas

Remember to group similar ideas together to make reading a breeze. By organizing related information into coherent sections, you can provide readers with a more structured and comprehensible experience.

Avoid Lengthy Paragraphs

And remember, long paragraphs are like homework—you have about 10 seconds to capture your reader’s interest before they’re drawn back into the vortex of Facebook and Instagram. Break up lengthy paragraphs into shorter, digestible chunks. A mix of long paragraphs, short sentences, images, and bullet points will encourage your reader to continue scrolling down the page.

Incorporating subheadings and following these content organization tips will not only enhance the readability of your real estate blog but also keep your readers engaged and eager to explore your content further.

Techniques to engage the reader with your writing

Engaging your reader with your writing is no less than an art. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room, the keyword: conjunction. Yes, it’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with a conjunction in your blog.

Share Relatable Anecdotes

To truly capture your reader’s attention and create a bond, consider sharing relatable anecdotes or stories. Think about common misconceptions or “lies” that realtors often confront in the field. For instance, the myth is that a fresh coat of paint can hide all flaws in a property. By sharing these real-life stories, you not only entertain but also educate your readers, making your content more memorable.

Conversational and Relatable Writing

Make your writing conversational and relatable, as if you’re chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. Incorporate conventional slang and contractions to create a warm and friendly tone. This approach instantly puts your readers at ease and makes complex real estate topics feel more approachable.

Foster Engagement with Questions

Engagement is a two-way street. Encourage your readers to actively participate in the conversation. Pose questions throughout the content that prompt them to reflect or share their own experiences. For instance, you can ask, “Have you ever encountered a surprising hidden gem during a property viewing?” or “What’s your top tip for first-time homebuyers?” These thought-provoking questions not only foster engagement but also create a lively discussion among readers in the comments section.

Unique Writing Style and Formatting

Develop a consistent and unique writing style that sets your blog posts apart. Whether it’s your humorous anecdotes, your friendly tone, or your knack for simplifying complex real estate concepts, let your personality shine through in your writing. Additionally, use formatting techniques like lists, bullet points, or bold text to highlight key points and make your content visually appealing. This not only enhances readability but also ensures that your readers can easily grasp the most important takeaways from your posts.

Creating a Dialogue

Remember, it’s not just about providing information; it’s about creating a dialogue. Your readers should feel like valued participants in your blog, not passive observers. This approach not only makes your readers feel like a part of your blog community but also encourages them to come back for more. Over time, this engagement fosters trust in your advice on real estate matters, solidifying your position as a trusted resource in the field.

Optimizing Your Post for SEO

Strategically using keywords in your blog post

Keyword strategy is crucial to your blog’s search engine ranking. Search engine optimization (SEO) relies heavily on the relevancy of your content and how artfully you’ve integrated your keywords. Include these keywords naturally throughout your post, particularly in the title, headers, and first paragraph for maximum impact. But always bear in mind SEO best practices: maintain balance and avoid overuse of keywords, which could lead to ‘keyword stuffing’. This could negatively impact both the readability of your content and your blog’s ranking in search results. To sidestep this issue, compose your content to flow as naturally as possible while utilizing your chosen keywords sagaciously.

The Power of Strategic Keyword Use

Imagine you’re writing a blog post about “Investing in Cityville Real Estate.” You’ve done your research and identified relevant keywords like “Cityville real estate investment,” “property investment in Cityville,” and “real estate market trends in Cityville.” Here’s how to strategically use these keywords for maximum impact:

  1. Title Optimization: Start by including your primary keyword in the title of your blog post. For instance, “Unlocking the Potential: Investing in Cityville Real Estate.” This not only informs readers about the post’s topic but also signals to search engines what the post is about.
  2. Header Tags: Incorporate your keywords naturally into subheadings throughout your content. For instance, use “Exploring Cityville Real Estate Investment Opportunities” as a subheading. This not only enhances the organization of your content but also reinforces the relevance of your keywords.
  3. First Paragraph Impact: Your blog’s first paragraph is prime real estate for keywords. Begin your post by introducing your topic and including your primary keyword. For example, “Cityville real estate investment is a thriving opportunity for those seeking to grow their wealth.”
  4. Balancing Act: While strategic keyword use is essential, always bear in mind SEO best practices. Maintaining balance is key, and avoiding the overuse of keywords is crucial to prevent ‘keyword stuffing.’ This practice, where keywords are excessively used and disrupt the natural flow of your content, could negatively impact both the readability of your content and your blog’s ranking in search results.

Use the Right SEO Content Generation and Optimization Tools

When it comes to SEO Content Generation and Optimization for your real estate blog, Outranking could be your loyal companion. Outranking harnesses the power of AI to automatically optimize your content to be the best it can be with features like SEO-first draft generation and automating internal linking. Our dynamic AI-powered platform does the most to help your blog rank higher on search results and cut down your workload significantly. ✂️

A screenshot of Outranking's SEO score summary
Outranking helps you learn how to optimize your real estate content!

Outranking provides the following features for AI writing. These features are available for new and existing (we see you real estate bloggers!) content and are constantly updated for ease of use and quality:

FeatureWhat it doesOverall outcome
Content BriefsProduces customized content briefs with detailed marketing objectives, target audiences, and brand toneSeamless collaboration
Data-driven insights
Simplified workflow
Scalable content output
Factual First DraftsCreates an entire draft with factual information & verifiable sources with a click of a buttonHigh conversion rates
Minimizes writing time
Builds credibility
Personalized Voice and Style GuideProvides custom style guides for easy first-draft generationsKeeps it personal
Ensures consistency
Provides quality control
AI-Powered Keyword Research & ClusteringDiscovers competitive keywords, groups them topically & semanticallyCreates targeted content
Keeps content competitive
Uncovers underutilized keywords

Enhancing Blog Posts with Visual Elements

The importance of using high-quality images

High-quality images can be the cherry on top of your excellent blog post. They are particularly essential in fields like real estate where the value lies greatly in visual appeal. Incorporating real estate photography can transform a basic description into an aesthetically stunning exhibit, breaking the monotonous text wall and boosting content understanding. Sites like Pexels, Pixabay, and Kaboompics offer fantastic royalty-free images, including those suited to real estate. Just ensure you respect image licensing rights to avoid legal issues later on. Remember, a visually attractive blog post, sometimes backed by compelling real estate photography, is shared more often, reaching more potential clients! 

Outranking knows the importance of adding high-quality images, that’s why without adding images, you won’t score great on Outranking’s on-page optimizer.

A screenshot of Outranking's image counter
Outranking knows Google’s ranking qualifications so you don’t have to!

Boosting Engagement and Audience Reach with High-Quality Images

In the world of real estate blogging, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” holds more truth than ever. High-quality images are more than just visual appeal; they play a pivotal role in boosting engagement, and social media shares, and expanding your audience reach.

Statistics Speak Volumes

To emphasize the importance of high-quality images, let’s turn to the numbers. Studies show that blog posts and articles with attractive, well-optimized images receive up to 94% more views than those without images. This increase in views is just the beginning. When you pair your engaging real estate content with striking visuals, you can expect a significant surge in social media shares as well. Posts with captivating images receive nearly 150% more shares on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

The Human Touch

But why do high-quality images make such a difference? In the real estate and interior design niche, where emotions and aesthetics play a significant role, images evoke a sense of connection and aspiration. They allow your readers to visualize their dream homes and feel the allure of luxurious living. A beautifully captured image can convey the charm of a cozy living room or the grandeur of a mansion far more effectively than words alone.

Your Readers’ Journey

When your blog provides high-quality images, you’re not just offering information; you’re taking your readers on a visual journey. They explore homes and spaces through your eyes, igniting their imaginations. They share these visual stories with their network, and the cycle continues. This is how high-quality images become your most persuasive advocates, expanding your audience reach and boosting engagement.

Use of infographics for better understanding

Infographics are visual goldmines for real estate blogs. They offer an engaging overview, blending data and design to simplify complex ideas – an ideal solution for the intricate concepts often encountered in real estate. Whether it’s explaining mortgage costs in a clear-cut table or showcasing the wide-ranging neighborhood amenities through a map-based infographic, these tools make your blog content more digestible and engaging. This approach is prime for retaining reader attention and encouraging shares. After all, getting into the nitty-gritty of what moving to your neighborhood will be like can set you apart from many agents who stick to airy overviews. 

A infographic about 10 Steps for Buying a home
Infographics like this are easy to digest for better readability

Here’s why they should be an essential part of your real estate blog:

  1. Clarity: Real estate listings often come with a wealth of information, from property features to neighborhood comparisons. Infographics excel at presenting this data in a format that’s easy to understand. For instance, imagine creating an infographic comparing property rates in different neighborhoods. This not only simplifies the information but also makes it far more accessible to your readers.
  2. Engagement: Infographics are not only visually appealing but also interactive. Readers are naturally drawn to visuals, and infographics provide an engaging way to present information. This format is a surefire way to retain reader attention, which is essential for real estate content that can often be data-heavy.
  3. Shareability: If you want your real estate blog to gain traction, infographics are your secret weapon. People love to share visually compelling content, and infographics are prime candidates for social media sharing. This means that your blog posts have a better chance of reaching a broader audience, as readers share your infographics with their networks.

Incorporating infographics into your real estate content can transform your blog into a hub of clarity, engagement, and shareability. Whether you’re a real estate agent showcasing property listings or a real estate blogger diving into neighborhood comparisons, infographics are the way to make your content stand out. Elevate your real estate blog to the next level with infographics, making complex information easily understandable and enticing for your readers.

Elevating Your Blog Post with Additional Features 

Editing and Proofreading Your Blog Post

Proofreading is a non-negotiable step before hitting that “publish” button on your blog. No matter how captivating your content may be, it can swiftly lose its credibility and impact when littered with typographical and spelling errors. In the digital realm, where perfection is expected, grammar checkers like Writer, Grammarly, Quillbot, and ProWritingAid come to the rescue. These indispensable tools not only review your content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors but also scrutinize the style and language to ensure every comma is in its rightful place.

A recent survey showed that 81% of female customers would not buy a product that has been advertised with sloppy grammar and misspelled words and 77% of men responded in the same way. 

Protecting Your Professional Image: Your blog posts serve as a mirror reflecting your professionalism and expertise. Any mistakes in your content can tarnish your image, leaving a less-than-ideal impression on your readers. On the other hand, immaculate grammar and flawless spelling can reinforce your image as a credible authority in your field. Your readers not only seek valuable information but also an enjoyable reading experience. After all, who wants to sift through a blog filled with typos and grammatical blunders?

Striking the Balance: Your blog is not meant to be a heavy manual or a textbook; it should offer friendly advice and insights. Readers are drawn to content that feels approachable, relatable, and easy to digest. The balance between professionalism and accessibility is where proofreading plays a pivotal role. It ensures that your content is not only accurate and credible but also engaging and reader-friendly. This balance significantly impacts your credibility and the likelihood of retaining and expanding your readership.

In summary, proofreading is not just a final step in your blogging process; it’s a critical component of maintaining and enhancing your credibility. Impeccable grammar and spelling are the building blocks of trust, ensuring that your readers view you as a reliable source of information. So, before you hit “publish” on your next blog post, make proofreading an unskippable practice to protect your professional image and keep your readers coming back for more.

Harnessing AI tools for efficient editing

Elevating Your Editing Process with AI Tools

Editing is the cornerstone of creating impeccable blog content, and in the digital age, technology is your most valuable ally. AI editing tools like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, and Outranking have revolutionized the editing landscape, offering a plethora of concrete benefits that significantly enhance the quality and efficiency of your editing process. Let’s delve into why these AI tools are indispensable:

Catching Errors with Precision

AI editing tools are your vigilant guardians against spelling and grammar errors. They meticulously scan your content, detecting even the most elusive mistakes that can easily escape human eyes. This ensures that your content is not marred by embarrassing typos or grammatical blunders that could harm your credibility.

Improving Readability and Clarity

One of the key roles of AI editing tools is to enhance the readability of your content. They provide valuable insights into sentence structure and style, suggesting improvements that result in more engaging and reader-friendly writing. They pinpoint complex sentences, passive voice, and wordy phrases, helping you craft content that’s not only correct but also crystal clear.

Automated Suggestions for Refined Sentences

These AI gems offer automated suggestions that transform your writing into refined prose. They recommend sentence restructuring, synonym substitutions, and vocabulary enhancements. This means that your content will not only be error-free but also eloquent, leaving a lasting impact on your readers.

Ensuring SEO Best Practices

SEO is paramount in the digital landscape, and AI editing tools understand its significance. They analyze your content to ensure that it adheres to SEO best practices. From optimizing your meta descriptions to checking for keyword placement and density, these tools are your SEO assistants, ensuring that your content ranks well on search engines.

Endorsement of Professionals and Users

Don’t just take our word for it. Professionals and users from various industries have experienced the transformative power of AI editing tools. They endorse the effectiveness of these tools in improving editing efficiency. Here’s what they have to say:

  • “Grammarly has streamlined my editing process, saving me hours of work. It’s like having a personal editor by my side.” – Sarah, Content Writer
  • “Hemingway Editor helped me turn complex legal documents into plain language that anyone can understand. It’s a game-changer.” – John, Attorney
  • “Since implementing Outranking for AI SEO writing and on-page optimization, we at Clickworker have been able to increase the number of clicks on our blog by an astonishing 1,000%.” – Robert Koch, SEO Manager

Being Consistent with Your Blogging Efforts

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule is vital for any blog. It helps to solidify your brand, build an audience, and keep them engaged. In real estate blogging, posting several times a week can yield the best results for both readers and search engines. If that appears daunting, you could aim for a minimum of one engaging post per week, ensuring you’re consistently providing fresh input. Consistency is crucial. It extends beyond merely keeping your blog fresh; it also serves as input to improve your visibility in search engine rankings. 

Case Study: Real Estate Traffic for Years to Come

Is Real Estate blogging really worth it? We have a tremendous case study that will tell you that yes! Real estate blogging is worth your time, energy, and money!

Mission Marketing performed mass content creation for a real estate blog. These are the results of the increase in traffic after only 1 month:

Month 1: Real Estate Website Traffic Boom

After one month of mass content creation, the website’s new users increased by 61%.

A graph showing user growth
Blogging about real estate is proven to grow users!

Image Source

Month 3 Results: Real Estate Website Traffic Upward Trend Continues

After 3 months, the number of new users on the real estate website increased by 59%. There was also an increase in Sessions, Page Views, and Number of Sessions per User.

A graph showing user growth over three months
Grow and retain user activity by consistently publishing good content

Image Source

Results after a year:

1 year after the mass content production, the website stats were as follows:

  • New users up 35%
  • Session up 34%
  • Pageviews up 28%
A graph showing user growth over a year
Relevant and ranking content will continue to bring in new users

Image Source

Start Your Real Estate Blog with Outranking

For your real estate blog, Outranking is the perfect tool to help with all of your content creation needs. From content brief creation to content strategy development, Outranking is well-equipped and well-acquainted with Google’s SEO guidelines and creates drafts and content that’s SEO optimized. Outranking’s Editor also suggests changes for improving existing content and its powerful GPT-4 model ensures there’s no jargon.

A screenshot of Outranking's home page
Use Outranking to ensure your content is the best it can be!


How often should I post on my real estate blog?

The frequency of blog posts may vary depending on your time, resources, and the kind of content your audience engages with. Understanding the basics, it’s widely suggested to aim for a minimum of one quality blog post per week. This can improve with practice to where you can manage several posts each week, producing optimal results for both your readers and search engine rankings. The deeper understanding born of experience underscores that regularity is key to building and maintaining an engaging blog.

What kind of topics should I cover in my blog posts?

The topics for your real estate blog should directly align with what your readers want to know. Cover a wide range – from practical advice for first-time home buyers to detailed walk-throughs of the mortgage process. Tap into the popular real estate blog niche of investment insights, as it is a trending domain where many professionals gravitate. Sharing local market updates guides for renters, décor tips, and insights into neighborhood amenities doesn’t hurt either. Incorporate evergreen topics as well as trending ones in your blog niche. By addressing the varied needs of your readers, you can establish your blog as a comprehensive resource, thus increasing your brand visibility and thought leadership in the real estate market.

Launch Your Real Estate Blog 🚀

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Outranking today and watch your real estate blog bloom! 🏡