SaaS Technical SEO: The Ultimate Guide For Highest Rankings

Pankil Shah
by Pankil Shah
Updated On: October 20, 2023
SaaS Technical SEO: The Ultimate Guide For Highest Rankings

Are you looking to boost your SaaS website’s ranking? This comprehensive guide to SaaS technical SEO will help you understand how to do just that. We will reveal the secrets behind SaaS technical SEO to achieve the highest rankings on SERPs, as well as qualify you with the knowledge needed to reach your competitors and unlock the full prospect of your SaaS website’s ranking. Get ready to learn how Outranking can help you reach all your technical SEO goals!

What is SaaS Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves optimizing your website and server to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your website while increasing your visibility on SERPs. It focuses on enhancing the website’s infrastructure, coding, and other technical issues to increase user experience and result in higher clickthrough rates (CTRs) and conversions.

One important element of technical SEO is page speed, which refers to how rapidly a page loads. Slow speed can negatively impact the ranking of a website and user experience. To avoid this, optimize elements that could bog down the page loading speed; for example, opt for smaller image sizes and minimize code.

Another crucial factor is URL structure. Using descriptive, keyword-rich URLs that are easily readable by users and crawlable by search engines can highly affect the ranking of a website on search engines. Websites that are mobile-friendly, with a properly optimized layout and user-friendly navigation can lead to higher rankings since 61% of users never return to a website that is not mobile-friendly.

Ensure your website is SEO optimized with our SEO friendly URL checker . Not only does it perform a thorough SEO friendly URL test, but it also acts as a website safety checker. Test your SEO URL today and enjoy better rankings tomorrow.

Both loading speed and mobile-friendliness are vital to ranking higher, as 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t open within three seconds.

Optimizing your website’s technical aspects is essential to ranking, driving traffic, and growing your SaaS business. Let’s dive into boosting your website with our SaaS technical SEO strategies!

Importance of Technical SEO for SaaS Businesses

Higher Search Engine Rankings

The top priority of technical SEO is to gain higher search engine rankings. Higher rankings will lead to more visibility, more traffic, and ultimately more conversions for SaaS businesses. Technical glitches, such as broken links or duplicate content can negatively affect your website rankings, but you can use technical SEO to address these issues.

Better User Experience 

One of the main elements that highly affects SaaS business website rankings is user experience (UX). A website that loads faster and is usable on all devices is more likely to get more insights and visibility. Particularly important technical SEO factors include site speed, mobile optimization, website security, and easy navigation, so focus on these when building or restructuring your website.

Increased Website Traffic 

Another element to consider is website traffic. When a website ranks higher in SERPs, it is likely to get more traffic and visibility. Improving the technical factors affecting your websites, such as indexing, crawling, sitemaps, and more, can lead you to higher traffic, visibility, and conversions.

Improved Conversion Rate

Conversion rates impact SEO metrics and higher rankings in several ways, including enhancing UX, boosting engagement, creating targeted landing pages, reducing bounce rate, and more. As you reduce technical issues, your website will begin to rank higher on SERPs, your conversion rate will increase, and your SaaS agency will perform better.

Increased Profits

Implementing technical SEO practices can potentially lead to increased profit for your website. By optimizing your website’s technical elements, you can improve its visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic. This increased traffic results in higher conversion rates, more sales, and, ultimately, greater profits for SaaS businesses.

Extended Brand Awareness

Technical SEO can even extend your brand awareness. By optimizing your website’s technical aspects such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, and structured data markup, you can improve its visibility in SERPs.

Furthermore, technical SEO can also help in improving user experience on your website. When users have a positive experience with the website, they are more likely to remember your brand and recommend it to others. This can lead to word-of-mouth marketing and further enhance brand awareness.

Increased Client Loyalty: 

Implementing technical SEO tactics can help you to gain the client’s loyalty. To encourage users to engage with your website, focus on website structure, visibility, accessibility, and user satisfaction. If your website has an easy-to-use interface, clients are more likely to have positive experiences that keep them coming back for more.

9 Common Mistakes to Avoid in SaaS Technical SEO.

1. No Hreflang Tag for Multilingual Pages

One common mistake in SaaS technical SEO is not using the hreflang tag for multilingual pages. This tag helps search engines understand the language and regional targeting of websites’ content. Without it, search engines may not properly recognize and index a website’s multilingual pages, hiding it from an international audience.

While using the hreflang tag, beware of these mistakes, which can affect your ranking on SERPs:

  • Using incorrect country codes
  • Implementing multiple hreflang tags on a website
  • Incorrectly mapping URLs
  • Not using return tags
  • Using hreflang tags on non-indexed pages

2. Poor Page Load Time

Loading speed is a major factor in Google’s SERP ranking algorithms. Poor page load time will hurt your SaaS website’s rankings, as well as cause a higher bounce rate.

Here are some common mistakes that lead to slow page load times:

  • Poor Hosting: Selecting a low-quality web hosting service, or having inadequate servers, will slow down your website.
  • Large File Sizes: Using large files, images, and videos may impact website ranking on SERPs.
  • Excessive HTTP requests: Each time a visitor enters your website, the browser sends an HTTP request to load the page’s elements, such as images or files. The more elements you have, the more requests the browser will make. Having too many requests can result in poor page loading time.

3. Duplicate Content 

Google doesn’t know how to index and rank websites with duplicate content. To rank high on search engines, each page of your website must offer unique and relevant content for users.

Here are common mistakes that cause duplicate content issues:

  • Scraped content: Search engines will interpret content copied from other websites without authorization as duplicate content.
  • URL variation: Using multiple URLs for the same content is a red flag for web page indexing.
  • Tagging and sorting parameters: E-commerce websites or blogs that use tagging in their URLs may create duplicate content, which search engines cannot index and crawl.

4. Unreachable Pages

Unreachable pages are a true enemy of your website rankings since Google can’t crawl and index them. They also lead to poor UX and high bounce rates. Unreachable pages commonly result from server-side problems and inaccurate links.

A screenshot of an error message from an unreachable link
If users receive this kind of error message, they might avoid your site in the future!

5. Lack of Mobile-Friendly Pages 

According to Google, mobile-friendliness is one of the leading factors affecting SERP rankings. If your SaaS website does not display properly on mobile devices, its rankings may suffer. To avoid this, be mindful of designing your website to be mobile-friendly.

6. Poor Site Architecture 

Poor site architecture makes it difficult for both visitors and search engines to navigate your website and find what they need. Your website may have poor architecture if it has an unresponsive design, inconsistent formatting, cluttered layout, complex hierarchy, and hidden navigation menus.

7. Site Security Issues 

No one wants to face a security threat and lose their precious data. If your website poses a real or perceived security threat, you will lose users’ trust; site security is directly linked with UX and client loyalty.

Implement these measures to keep your website secure:

  • Get an SSL certificate
  • Install security plug-ins
  • Update your website regularly
  • Use strong passwords
  • Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
A screenshot alerting users to a potential security risk
If your links result in security warnings, users will avoid your website

8. Site Usability Issues 

Site usability directly impacts search engine rankings because search engines prioritize websites that provide a positive user experience. Furthermore, if a site is difficult or unpleasant to navigate, users are more likely to leave, increasing bounce rates and negatively impacting client loyalty.

You can make your website more usable by implementing:

  • Easy navigation
  • Fast loading speeds
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Clear content presentation

The 5 most common usability problems are listed below.

Category Problem
Design UI, UX, or visual design cause confusion
Content Information is missing, or formatting or writing are unclear
Labeling It is not clear what will happen when a link is clicked
Functionality The website does not function as expected
Wayfinding Navigation is difficult

9. Unoptimized Internal Links

Internal links help search engines discover new pages, establish hierarchy and relevance between different pages, and distribute link authority throughout the website. Unoptimized internal links can negatively affect rankings because they hinder the search engine’s ability to crawl and understand the website’s structure and content.

Possible link problems include:

  • Linking to a broken or unreachable page
  • Poor organization and structure
  • Over-optimization
  • Not using natural links related to content
  • Placing irrelevant links
  • Utilizing incorrect anchor text

Get the Highest Rankings for Your SaaS Website: A Step-by-Step Guide to ImprovingTechnical SEO

Step 1: Conduct a Website Audit

Conducting a website audit with the right SEO content audit tool is crucial to ensure that your website is functioning optimally and meeting its objectives. It helps identify areas that need improvement, enhance user experience, and boost your website’s performance.

Here is how to perform a website audit:

  1. Evaluate website performance: Start by gathering technical metrics such as loading speed, responsiveness, and overall performance. You can use online tools like PageSpeed Insights to generate detailed reports and identify any issues that may be affecting the site’s ranking or responsiveness.
A screenshot of a core web vitals assessment from PageSpeed Insights
Troubleshoot underperforming parts of your website to improve your SERP ranking

2. Review website design: Assess your website’s design and layout to ensure it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand. Check whether the navigation is intuitive, the content is well-structured, and the design elements are consistent throughout the site.

3. Check for broken links: Broken links can frustrate users and negatively impact SaaS technical SEO. Use a link checker tool to scan your website for any broken or redirected links, and fix them promptly to ensure a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

4. Evaluate website content: Analyze your website content to ensure it is informative, engaging, and up-to-date. Check for spelling or grammatical errors, outdated information, or irrelevant content. Also, assess the effectiveness of your call-to-action (CTA) buttons and ensure they are clear and compelling.

5. Test website compatibility: Ensure your website is compatible with different browsers, screen sizes, and devices. Test it on various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and tablet, to identify any compatibility issues and make necessary adjustments. Alternatively, use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to see how your website performs on different devices.

6. Review security measures: Assess your website’s security by checking for SSL certificates, malware, or vulnerabilities. Implement necessary security measures, such as installing security plugins or regularly backing up your website, to protect your data and your visitors’ information. Also, be sure the devices that access the backend have anti-malware tools active.

7. Analyze website analytics: Utilize tools like Google Analytics to analyze your website’s performance metrics, such as traffic sources, bounce rate, and conversion rates. This data can provide insights into user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and drive effective decision-making.

You can audit your SaaS website by taking the following steps:

  • From the dashboard, navigate to the “Site Audit” tool.
A screenshot of a website optimization tool, highlighting the "Site Audit" option
It’s easy to get your site audit underway
  • Enter the domain of the SaaS website you want to audit.
  • Select your settings, including the number of pages per audit and the crawl source.
A screenshot of the site audit settings configuration interface
Configure your settings before you start your site audit
  • Write the description, and indicate any URLs that you don’t want Google to crawlYou have the option of removing the URL parameter and bypassing website restrictions.
  • Start your audit!
  • Analyze the resulting website stats, and identify areas for improvement.

Step 2: Set Your Content Marketing Strategy

Developing a content marketing strategy for SaaS rankings involves following several steps:

  1. Identify target keywords: Research and identify relevant keywords that align with your SaaS offering and technical SEO goals. Use keyword research tools like SEMrush to find high-volume, low-competition keywords that your target audience is searching for.
  2. Create high-quality, informative content: Develop content that addresses the pain points, challenges, and questions of your target audience. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or tutorials. Ensure that your content is well-researched and provides valuable insights or solutions. Use tools like Outranking for content creation, editing, and AI-assisted writing to help create unique content without research on your part. You can learn more about Outranking’s features from the following video:
  1.  Optimize on-page elements: Implementing on-page SEO best practices. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and headers, and incorporating target keywords strategically. Focus on creating unique and compelling meta tags and descriptions to improve CTRs in search results. To perform exceptional on-page SEO, use tools like Outranking.
A screenshot of Outranking's on-page SEO analysis.
Outranking lets you assess your website’s performance at a glance

4. Leverage technical SEO techniques: Pay attention to technical SEO elements that can impact your SaaS website’s rankings. This includes improving website speed and performance, optimizing site structure and navigation, implementing schema markup, and ensuring mobile-friendliness.

5. Build authoritative backlinks: Establishing high-quality backlinks from reputable websites is crucial for improving your SaaS website’s visibility and rankings.

6. Implement structured data: Utilize structured data markup to provide search engines with additional information about your SaaS offering. This can enhance your website’s visibility in search engines.

7. Monitor and analyze performance: Regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google Search Console. Track keyword rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Step 3: Identify Missing or Incorrect HTML Tags

To identify missing or incorrect HTML tags that may be harming your SaaS website’s rankings, you can follow these steps:

  1. Conduct an HTML validation check: Use online HTML validation tools like W3C Markup Validation Service or SEO Site Checkup to analyze your website’s HTML code for any errors, missing tags, or incorrect syntax. These tools will provide a detailed report highlighting any issues that need to be addressed.
  2. Check title tags: Ensure that each page on your website has a unique and descriptive title tag. The title tag should be around 50 – 60 characters, and should accurately summarize the page content, including relevant keywords. Make sure to avoid duplicate title tags.
  3. Verify meta descriptions: Ensure that all your pages have unique and compelling meta descriptions. Meta descriptions should accurately describe the page’s content and entice users to click through from search engine results. Make sure that your meta descriptions are around 150 – 160 characters, and that they include relevant keywords.
  4. Review heading tags: Check your pages for proper heading tag structure (H1, H2, H3, etc.) that follows a logical hierarchy. The H1 tag should represent the main heading of the page, and subheadings should be marked with appropriate heading tags. Use keywords appropriately in headings and ensure they are relevant to the content.
  5. Validate image alt attributes: Ensure that all images on your website have descriptive and keyword-rich alt attributes. Alt tags not only help search engines understand the image but also improve accessibility for visually impaired users. Make sure alt texts are accurate, concise, and relevant to the image content.
  6. Validate link attributes: Make sure your website’s links have appropriate anchor text and target URLs. Anchor text should provide a clear and concise description of the linked page and include relevant keywords. Verify that all links are functional and correctly formatted.

Step 4: Implement Google Tag Manager: 

Implementing Google Tag Manager allows you to manage and deploy various tracking codes and scripts more efficiently, reducing reliance on developers and simplifying the process of adding or modifying tags. This can help improve your SaaS website’s technical SEO and enable better tracking and optimization of your marketing campaigns.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Set up a Google Tag Manager (GTM) account: Visit the Google Tag Manager website and sign in with your Google account, or create a new one for your SaaS website.
 A screenshot from Google Tag Manager showing an empty accounts page.
Create an account to get started with Google Tag Manager

2. Create a container: Within your GTM account, create a new container for your SaaS website. A container acts as a centralized location to manage all your tags, triggers, and variables.

A screenshot of Google Tag Manager's container setup page.
Set up your container to keep track of your tags and other information

3. Install the GTM container code: After creating the container, you’ll be provided with a GTM container code snippet. Copy this code and paste it into the <head> element of every page of your SaaS website. This allows GTM to load and manage your tags.

A screenshot of Google Tag Manager's container code snippet
GTM generates code which you can paste into your HTML

Step 5: Improve CTAs 

CTAs show customers how to accomplish their objectives, whether that’s finalizing a purchase or requesting a consultation. Follow these steps to create strong CTAs:

  1. Get to know your target audience: Gain an understanding of your users’ needs and interests.
  2. Use personalized CTAs: Personalized CTAs are more effective than generic ones.
  3. Analyze your website pages: Evaluate the content to figure out which action your users should take on each page.

Step 6: Check for Duplicate Content: 

Your website needs to have unique and relevant information for Google to successfully crawl and index it. Using content from another source — known as copy-paste content — both confuses Google and raises red flags. The most common duplication involves using multiple URLs for the same content.

Step 7: Optimize Your Code

Optimizing your CSS, JavaScript, and other code files can boost your website’s ranking. Employ techniques like minification, asynchronous loading, and deferred scripts to enhance page speed. This improves UX and leads to higher search engine rankings.


Mastering SaaS technical SEO is essential to achieving the highest rankings and optimizing the online visibility of your SaaS product. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide — including website structure optimization, mobile responsiveness, page speed enhancements, and proper indexing — you can create a solid foundation that search engines will reward with improved rankings and increased organic traffic. If you’re still feeling stuck, Outranking’s cutting-edge AI technology is always here to help!