How Many Blog Posts Do You Need to Launch and Get Traffic?

Pankil Shah
by Pankil Shah
Updated On: October 27, 2023
How Many Blog Posts Do You Need to Launch and Get Traffic?

Someone asked Reddit about the frequency of publishing blog posts to get organic traffic. Redditors offered him various pieces of advice, but the general consensus was this:

Screenshot of a Reddit response
Different factors can attract traffic to your website

But the answer is not as simple as just posting daily. Getting traffic depends upon a number of factors, which we will discuss in detail in this post. So let’s get started.


We’ve all been there — the heady excitement of starting a blog tempered by the gnawing uncertainty of how many posts we need to curry favor with the SEO gods. If you’re wondering when your blog will start positively buzzing with traffic, you’ve come to the right place.

Assisted by dependable SEO tools and backed by robust data, we’ll chart a course to ensure that, in the infinity of the Internet, your blog shines brightly. This strategic endeavor not only elevates your SEO visibility but also cements your place in the bloggers’ realm, subsequently boosting your readership base. Let’s gear up for an insightful blogospheric cruise!

Let’s begin our journey with some powerful statistics:

  • Businesses that prime their blogs for search engines witness a 55% swell in organic website traffic, accompanied by a 14% rise in lead conversion rates. Apparently, SEO isn’t just a buzzword; it directly fuels 53% of all website traffic, making it a primary marketing conduit.
  • Given its undeniable influence, it’s hardly surprising that the global SEO sector is predicted to skyrocket to an eye-watering $122.11 billion by 2028. It’s simple: turn on the SEO engine and watch real business results roll in for enterprises of all shapes and sizes.
  • It was observed that companies that blog saw their monthly leads soar by a whopping 126% more than those who didn’t.
  • Internet users seem to have an insatiable appetite for blogs, with over 77% of them avidly reading blog posts. Almost 7 million people not only visit blogs but interact with them, utilizing blogs as a source of information and advice.

So, punch down that gas pedal and explore how your blog can ride the SEO highway to success.

7 factors to consider before deciding on how any blog post to create

1. Quality

Quality is unquestionably the reigning monarch when it comes to devising a successful blogging strategy. The caliber of your content is the key to capturing the attention of your audience and also appeals to search engines, particularly when you’re crafting material for WordPress. To enhance this quality, detailed keyword research to optimize your posts is worth the extra effort.

Weigh the quality of your content by asking the following questions:

  • Is your material reliable and trustworthy?
  • Are you offering unprecedented insights, or merely repackaging existing data?
  • Would your reader consider your post worthy of bookmarking for future reference or suggest reading it to someone else?

Incorporating tools such as Google Analytics can offer a broader perspective for non-WordPress users. This software assists in measuring blog post search results routinely and allows tracking of monthly visitor data, essential for maintaining a consistent quality standard overall.

2. Quantity

It’s a world where more often means merrier, especially when it comes to content creation. But hold your horses! Pumping up the virtual realm with blog posts willy-nilly might do you more harm than good. Overdoing it can trigger the Google Sandbox Effect, and make your site disappear into the abyss of invisible pages.

Avoid falling into the trap of quantity over quality in the blogosphere. After all, you’re not on a mindless production line, churning out articles sans substance. Your goal isn’t just to publish; your mission is to engage your audience. And that requires a judicious blend of regular posting, enriched with consistent quality.

Your blog posts aren’t just words typed out in a void; they vibrate in the minds of your audience. The nature and number of your posts should be in tune with their frequencies.

Even veteran bloggers like Kevin Muldoon have banked on optimizing the rhythm of their postings. But remember, this isn’t a recipe you find at the back of a cereal box. There’s no copy-and-paste formula for blogging success. Carving your niche needs continual rejigs and refinements in your content strategy. Remember the old maxim, ‘Consistent drips of water fill the pot eventually.’

Screenshot of Google Analytics Audience Overview
Consistency, uniqueness, and relevancy go a long way

3. Time Commitment

Blogging requires a significant commitment of time, particularly when implementing tactics that boost traffic. Before you plunge into it, a detailed analysis of your available bandwidth is crucial. Are you prepared to invest the necessary time in planning, writing, revising, optimizing, and sharing your blog posts? But remember, rushing often compromises quality. So, outline a realistic time frame for generating quality content and regular updates, an acclaimed approach to boost organic traffic.

Bar graph illustrating bloggers time and results
Take time to produce quality content

Case Study: Be a Better Blogger

“Be a Better Blogger” serves as an excellent case study, thanks to its author, Kevin. Striving to debunk the one-size-fits-all success mantra, Kevin deviated from his usual blogging schedule. He wrote five shorter articles with diverse word counts instead of his typical long, weekly post:

  • “The Reformed Procrastinator’s Guide to Repurposing Blog Content” (1,019 words)
  • “Google Authorship Is Dead: What You Should Do Now” (855 words)
  • “What a 4-Hour Meeting Can Teach Us About Blogging” (885 words)
  • “The Facebook Comments Strategy You Will Either Love or Hate” (1,262 words)
  • “Know Your Audience” (609 words)

Kevin planned to restrict each blog post to between 500-750 words. However, only one post met this target, with two articles crossing the 1,000-word count, mirroring Kevin’s penchant for detailed expression.

The experiment’s results were remarkable, with significant upticks in weekly comments, social media shares, and overall blog traffic. Observing the statistics, the blog registered an:

  • 84% increase in Social Shares against the previous 3-week average
Bar graph representing increased social shares
Shorter blogs offer concise and direct information for readers
  • 119% increase in Comments over the previous 3-week average
Bar graph representing increase in audience engagement
When you write engaging blog posts, readers are more likely to interact and spread the word
  • Bounce Rate: Unchanged
Infograph illustrating unchanged bounce rate
Bounce rate decreased by almost 1%
  • 46% increase in Traffic over the previous 3-week average
Screenshot of total number of users
This sharp increase in traffic can mean you are on the right track with your blog posts!

4. Risk vs. Reward

A word to the wise: mitigating risks while eyeing rewards pays off. Do you have grandiose plans to churn out daily blog pieces? They might just boomerang if they cause a decline in the content quality or lead to burnout. Ponder over the inherent risks: Will it take you away from your principal business operations? Do you foresee incurring expenses for bloggers if you falter in keeping up with the schedule? A glimpse into the future to foresee potential risks while brainstorming blog concepts could be crucial.

Employing digital analytics tools, like Google Analytics, enables you to scrutinize visitor engagement, posting regularity and the like. Drawing parallels with Google’s QDF (Query Deserves Freshness) algorithm that ranks fresh content higher in search results, adept utilization of this data ensures your content remains current and enthralling.

Weigh these risks against the advantages: Greater traffic, potential leads, and augmented brand reputation are achievable assets from steady and relevant blogging activities. Headlines such as ‘Investing in the Optimal Software for Your Small Business: A Comprehensive Guide’ and other revenue-earning blog concepts can act as catalysts in enhancing your digital footprint.

5. Difficulty of Writing

Blogging isn’t a walk in the park, particularly when it involves convoluted subjects. It’s a wise move to incorporate emails into your strategy, enabling readers to participate actively through guest posts or even simple touch bases. Take a good look at your proficiency and ease in the domain you’ve chosen. Deep insights into your niche will not only make your blogging voyage smoother but could also give your domain authority a boost. Be sure not to bite more than you can chew – it’s about quality, not quantity.

Infograph illustrating Semrush keyword difficulty scores
You can capitalize on underutilized keywords, but be careful to not stray too far off the beaten path

The world of blogging covers a mind-boggling array of subjects, each with its own level of complexity and depth. Imaginative illustrations showing the range of difficulty linked with these topics can be a treasure trove for your readers, aiding them in understanding the challenges associated with tackling various content areas.

Such a tool aids bloggers in making informed choices, helping them evaluate their skills and comfort zones before plunging into new content creation adventures. Think of it as your blogging compass, guiding you through the uncharted territories of blog topics with confidence. It allows you to choose topics that align with your current abilities and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone into more challenging arenas, gradually expanding your expertise.

6. Backlinks

Backlinks significantly influence SEO, with a discernable link between backlinks and organic traffic. A robust presence of backlinks often originates from quality content, for instance, through an author blog or industry-specific blogs. An effective strategy includes generating backlinks by guest posting on pertinent sites and networking with influential figures in your niche. This strategy not only enriches your backlink profile but leverages their domain authority, akin to a successful keyword strategy. Frequent blog posting adds to your website’s authority with search engines, as each new blog post serves as an indexed page brimming with searchable content. However, refrain from using keywords in name fields. The key lies in acquiring links from authoritative and reliable sources.

Infograph from Semrush describing how to get backlinks to your site
Be intentional about your backlinks

7. Promotion (Social media, Email)

Promoting your blog should not be an afterthought; instead, it should take prime real estate in your blogging strategy. Diving headfirst into the blogging realm, you have to amplify your efforts to reach your potential readers via different platforms – social media and email marketing. Statistics affirm that a whopping 95.9% of bloggers resort to social media for blog promotion. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have immense potential to popularize your blog. Simultaneously, extract the strategic benefits of email marketing by building your email list and crafting compelling newsletters. A smart promotion strategy can push your blog into the limelight, subsequently driving significant traffic to your website.

Bar graph illustrating how bloggers drive traffic to their posts
Establishing a presence on social media can make a huge difference

8. SEO Expertise (On-page, Off-page, Technical)

Your competency in search engine optimization (SEO) plays a significant role in how visible your blog is to potential readers. On-page SEO techniques cover not just your content and HTML tags optimization but also the enhancement of blog articles and ebooks that are attractive to search engines. Off-page SEO majorly addresses backlinks, while Technical SEO takes into consideration factors such as website structure, page speed, and how your site functions on various browsers.

Mastering On-Page SEO Techniques

On-page SEO plays a key role in your digital strategy, and understanding its operation can greatly enhance your blog’s visibility. Below are specific on-page SEO strategies to help you effectively incorporate these techniques:

  1. Optimizing Meta Tags: Meta tags such as meta titles and descriptions significantly influence search engine rankings. Craft engaging meta titles that naturally include your target keywords, while the meta description should offer a compact, informative summary of your content, attracting users to click.
  2. Keyword-Rich Headings: Using keyword-rich headings, especially H1, H2, and H3 tags, helps search engines understand your content’s design. Incorporate your main keywords into these headings while ensuring readability and relevance. Suppose your blog is about “Healthy Smoothie Recipes”; a fitting H1 tag could be “Delicious and Nutritious Healthy Smoothie Recipes.”
  3. Optimizing Image Alt Tags: Alt image tags are crucial for SEO and user accessibility. Be sure to provide descriptive alt tags that incorporate relevant keywords when you upload images. For instance, if you’ve included an image of a green smoothie in your blog post, the alt tag could be “Green-Smoothie-Recipe” instead of a generic “IMG001.”

These on-page SEO techniques, when appropriately implemented, can improve your website’s search engine rankings while ensuring a user-friendly experience for your readers. It’s important to remember that SEO is a continuous process, so keep refining your strategies and stay updated with the latest industry best practices.

While quality content consists of writing and on-page optimization, using tools that assist in writing and optimizing content is highly encouraged. Outranking is one such tool that analyzes the top-ranking pages, generates GPT-4 powered AI drafts, and gives suggestions for on-page optimization.

Outranking is not only used for generating new content, but it also updates the existing content. Its features also include content brief creation and SEO content strategy development, which are necessary for improving your chances of getting traffic.

Google now encourages unique content that is helpful for readers, so Outranking has introduced the feature of detecting originality in your blog posts. Some of Outranking’s features are as follows:

FeatureWhat it doesOverall outcome
Title & DescriptionGenerates & optimizes titles and descriptions based on keywords and ranking dataImproved Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
Improved SERP rankings
OutlineGenerates & optimizes outlines with keywords and ideal number of sectionsShorter outline times
Topic focused
Keyword optimized headers
Automatic Internal LinkingIdentifies & inserts internal linking opportunities semanticallyIncrease content discoverability
Improve content promotion
Dynamic linking
Improved user experience
Increased time on site
NLP TermsInserts natural language processing terms where appropriateEnsures keyword relevancy
More natural language
Quality assurance
Originality Improvement SuggestionsProvides unique suggestions to improve content’s originalityKeeps content fresh
Ensures content originality
Keeps content competitive with top SERP pages
Plagiarism RemovalIdentifies imitative content & automatically corrects for uniquenessEnsures content uniqueness
Interlinked PagesGenerates & optimizes outlines with keywords and the ideal number of sectionsReduce Bounce Rate
Increase content discoverability
Improve user engagement
Increase conversions
Improve SERP rankings

Case study: On-page + off-page SEO working together = success

In this case study, let’s delve into the role of SEO-focused content in driving targeted traffic. The limelight is on Kimkim, an online travel venture established by a lineup of experienced entrepreneurs and engineers, including former members of TripAdvisor and EveryTrail.

Business Overview: The objective at Kimkim is to transform the travel industry with authentic, local experiences that maintain top quality and trust. Their partnerships with local travel guides help provide unique insights that create custom, and often offbeat, travel experiences. As they navigate through their journey, they emphasize excellence in a few areas rather than spreading too thin across many.

The SEO Plan and Execution: The website of Kimkim is designed to start small and expand over time. Local experts from new countries added to the site are the main drivers of content creation, focusing on localized insights. Routine audits ensure easy website crawls through tools and data analysis from Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Promotion-wise, local experts help in making the site visible within the country, attracting local links. A differentiated content plan for every country is implemented, allowing local guides to create diverse content.

While managing a mixed set of content creators, including many non-native English speakers, was a challenge, it was fundamental in building a well-rounded content portfolio.

Local outreach informing about Kimkim’s services led to increased links to the site. Outreach to local hotels contributed to improved visibility and more links to respective country sections on the site.

Results: Since launching, kimkim has experienced continuous organic traffic growth and now consistently ranks in the top five search results for terms like “Nepal travel expert” and “Manaslu trek”. Notably, kimkim’s organic traffic growth displays consistent growth, underlining the importance of providing an excellent user experience in a well-structured site paired with successful content promotion.

Unlocking the Power of Technical SEO: Speed, Mobile-Friendliness, and Schema Markup

Technical SEO forms the base of your website’s performance on search engines. It ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your site, forming a solid foundation for your SEO strategy. In this part, we’ll discuss essential aspects of technical SEO, including website speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup, complete with practical tips for readers to advance their technical SEO efforts.

1. Website Speed Optimization: Your website’s loading speed is pivotal to both user experience as well as search engine rankings. Websites that take too long to load can repel visitors and affect your SEO. Here are a few tips to enhance your website’s speed:

  • Image Compression: Reducing image file sizes without compromising the quality through compression can significantly enhance loading speed.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Cut down on the number of elements on your web pages, such as scripts and stylesheets.
  • Leverage Browser Caching: Browser caching allows the storing of frequently accessed resources locally to reduce load time.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): The use of CDNs to distribute the content over multiple geo-located servers reduces server response times.

2. Mobile-Friendliness: Given the escalating use of mobile devices, Google prefers mobile-friendly sites in its rankings. Here’s how you can make your site mobile-friendly:

  • Responsive Design: Adapt your site for different screen sizes with responsive web design.
  • Mobile-First Indexing: Make sure mobile and desktop versions of your site are equivalent to mobile-first indexing.
  • User-Friendly Mobile Experience: Create a seamless and intuitive mobile experience, making navigation and content consumption quick and easy on small screens.

3. Schema Markup: Schema markup, also referred to as structured data, helps search engines better comprehend your content, resulting in rich search results like featured snippets, ratings

9. Frequency of Publishing

Figuring out the optimal number of blog posts can feel like solving a complex puzzle. But pay attention, the frequency of publishing holds a crucial stake. It’s a delicate balance; blog too often, and quality may suffer; too sparsely, and you risk your visibility in search results.

Based on a study by HubSpot, companies maintaining a steady rhythm of publishing evergreen blog content 16+ times per month enjoyed nearly 3.5X more traffic than those who only managed 0-4 posts. Yet, there’s an important caveat.

Consider the tale of blogger Kevin from Be A Better Blogger, since his start in 2000, progressively upped his posting from once to five times weekly. Kevin’s story underscores a vital lesson: understand your capacities and pinpoint a frequency that syncs with the quality, your time, and the resources you have on hand.

An effective strategy may also involve drafting a regular editorial calendar since, by the rules of SEO, consistency usually triumphs over quantity. Ultimately, the key to optimizing your blog posts for search engine rankings lies in artful equilibrium.

bar graph representing balanced blogging frequency for ideal search engine rankings
Consistency is key!

How Many Blog Posts Should You Have to Launch?

Screenshot of a spreadsheet listing blog posts
Launching with multiple blog posts helps you appear established from the beginning

Starting off your blogging journey can bring along a splash of excitement and a pinch of anxiety. One thought that often creates a whirlpool in the blogger’s mind is deciding the right number of posts to fill their blog before they unveil their charms to the world. While there’s no magic number or one-size-fits-all formula, it largely depends on your squad goals, the resources you can summon, and the level of rivalry existing in your niche.

If you’re just stepping into the blogging arena, it’s a sensible strategy to kick off with a collection of 10 to 15 rich-quality posts. These initial posts act as the architectural pillars that shape your blog’s persona. It’s like your blog’s teaser trailer, offering a sneak peek into your niche, style, purpose, and potential to all the curious eyes of your target audience.

For the adrenaline junkies eager to leave deep tracks rapidly, launching 5 to 10 posts per week or even a daily dose of 1 or 2 blog posts may do the trick. Frequent updates can boost your blog’s visibility on search engines, particularly if you have a knack for sprinkling the right keywords and trending topics subtly. This keen move signals the search engines about your blog’s enthusiastic pulse and consistent refresh rate, which is like music to the ears of your SEO.

However, while planning your content calendar remember it isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. So, it’s not just about posting regularly, the content quality is the real MVP. Your inaugural posts are like your blog’s first handshake with your visitors, and you certainly need that grip to be firm and impressive. High-quality content captivates your audience plus magnetizes them to revisit for more, thus adding bricks to your fanbase wall.

How Many Blog Posts Should You Have Before You Get Traffic?

Expecting substantial traffic right away when launching a blog can be an enticing but often unrealistic expectation. In today’s saturated blogging landscape, it usually takes some time to gain traction and start seeing a consistent influx of visitors. To set more realistic expectations, it’s essential to understand that most bloggers typically notice sizable traffic between 3 to 6 months after they’ve launched their blogs. During this initial period, it’s important to remember that consistency and patience are your closest allies.

One interesting observation that can offer insights into the journey to gaining blog traffic is a study that highlighted a noticeable increase of around 30% in blog traffic when bloggers reached the milestone of having 24 to 51 blog posts in their archives. This finding underscores the idea that building up your content portfolio can have a positive impact on your blog’s visibility. However, this doesn’t mean you should rush to churn out an excessive number of posts; it’s about striking a balance between quantity and quality.

The “quantity versus quality” debate is a perennial one in the world of blogging. While it’s important to keep your blog active and regularly updated, producing high-quality content should remain your top priority. Quality content not only captures and retains the attention of your audience but also ranks better in search engine results, helping you reach a broader readership.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the role of keywords and SEO in attracting traffic to your blog. Properly researched and strategically placed keywords can significantly boost your blog’s visibility in search engine results, driving organic traffic. Implementing an effective SEO optimization strategy is vital in ensuring that your content is discoverable by those searching for relevant topics within your niche.

Consistency in publishing is equally important. Maintaining a steady publishing frequency, whether it’s once a week, twice a month, or some other schedule that suits your content creation capacity, helps you build trust with your audience. When readers know when to expect new content, they are more likely to return and engage with your blog regularly.

In the competitive world of blogging, slow and steady often wins the race. Patience, quality content, a strategic approach to keywords and SEO, and maintaining a consistent posting schedule are the key ingredients for successfully attracting traffic to your blog over time. Additionally, don’t forget to perform a thorough market analysis to gather ideas and inspiration, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience. With the right mix of these elements, your blog will be well on its way to growing and thriving.

Bursting with the anticipation of immediate robust blog traffic post-launch might lead to disillusionment when reality hits. The current crowded blogosphere is not so generous, needing a few months for emerging blogs to make a mark. A seasoned blogger would tell you to brace yourself for a waiting period of about 3 to 6 months for a considerable flow of traffic. The ally you need in this journey is patience – served with a dash of consistency.

A fascinating study throws light on an intriguing aspect of this journey. It found that blogs that had 24 to 51 posts in their cache noticed a 30% increase in traffic. This highlights the impact of a well-stocked content library on blog popularity. But remember, this isn’t a call to go berserk and mass-produce blog posts. The key lies in balancing quantity with quality.

In the eternal debate of “quantity vs quality”, the latter reigns supreme. Keeping your blog buzzing with regular updates is crucial, but ensuring that your content is of top-notch quality is the real kingpin. High-quality posts are a two-edged sword. They not only help you hold onto your audience’s attention but also give you an SEO edge, attracting a larger crowd.

The inclusion of meticulously researched keywords in strategic locations extends the reach of your blog, driving organic traffic your way. Hence, a well-executed SEO optimization strategy is fundamental to making your blog easier to find for those seeking relevant content.

Equally important is consistent publishing. A publishing rhythm, be it once a week or twice a month, according to your content capacity, nurtures trust in your readership. Predictable new content keeps your readers coming back, thus promoting regular engagement.

In the blog race, it’s the slow, steady, and strategic that often clinch victory. Remember, patience, top-tier content, thoughtful keywords, enhanced SEO, and regular posting pave the way for sustained traffic growth. Thorough market analysis for fresh ideas and a deeper understanding of your audience will further arm you with content that strikes a chord with your target readers. When brewed perfectly, this potent mix will fuel your blog’s growth and success.

Final Takeaway

In conclusion, the number of blog posts you need to launch and start generating traffic on your website can vary depending on various factors, including your niche, content quality, SEO efforts, and promotion strategies. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, it’s crucial to focus on producing high-quality, informative, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Consistency in publishing and a well-executed promotion plan can also significantly impact your blog’s success. Remember, it’s not just about quantity, but the value you provide to your readers that will ultimately drive traffic and help your blog grow.

Improve Your Traffic and Content with Outranking

While content doesn’t guarantee traffic, quality content does. We humans have a lot of dreams but very little time, so scaling your blog posts needs the assistance of AI writing tools like Outranking. Outranking has helped businesses generate a 1,000% increase in traffic with its efficient and SEO-literate software!

Screenshot of Outranking's auto optimization
Outranking’s auto-optimization features make creating SEO-friendly blog posts a sinch!

At Outranking, we recognize how difficult it can be to gain traction on SERPs. With the launch of V13, you can enjoy the comfort of our first draft generation! Minimize writing time and craft factual first drafts in seconds. 

The launch is a go! 🚀

Join the 12,000+ blog experts soaring the SERPs with Outranking